Vincent Pajot (mid)(free agent); Kévin Farade (att)(free agent); François Lajugie (def)(free agent); Alexandre Phliponeau (mid)(free agent); Steve Shamal (att)(SM Caen); Clément Billemaz (att)(Louhans-Cuiseaux FC); Thomas Callens (gk)(FC Lorient, on loan);
Nicolas Garby (sp)(def)(GFA Rumilly Valliers); Jacques Siwe (sp)(att)(EA Guingamp B); Mickaël Salamone (gk)(AS Poissy); Ahmed Mogni (sp)(att)(released); Steven Pinto-Borges (sp)(mid)(retired); Godson Kyeremeh (r)(att)(SM Caen, end of loan); Yahya Soumaré (sp)(att)(Olympique Lyonnais, end of loan); Alexandre Pierre (gk)(Racing de Strasbourg, end of loan);
Having hardly touched their squad, Annecy are expected to start running since the kock-off of the season. Salvation is their only ambition at the moment.