Football Season Guide

WSG Tirol


Alexander Eckmayr (gk), free transfer. Tobias Anselm (mid), free transfer. Quincy Butler (mid), transfer from TSG Hoffenheim. Lukas Hinterseer (att), transfer from Hansa Rostock. Jamie Lawrence (def), transfer from Bayern Munich. Lennart Czyborra (def), loan from Genoa.


Ferdinand Oswald (gk) (sp), retired. Dominik Štumberger (sp) (def), contract expired. Benjamin Ozegovic (sp) (gk), contract expired. Sandi Ogrinec (r) (mid), contract expired. Kofi Schulz (r) (def), contract expired. Denis Tomic (sp) (att), contract expired. Felix Bacher (k) (def), contract expired. Nik Prelec (r) (att), loan expired. Luca Kronberger (sp) (mid), loan expired. Aleksander Buksa (sp) (att), loan expired.

Following legendary manager Silberberger's decision to leave the club at the end of last season, Philipp Semlic was appointed as his replacement. Unclear what to expect from him at this time but he's inherited a limited group of players so has had to make some big changes rather swiftly. Last season was a disaster; not how Silberberger wanted to sign-off but ironically showed that he wasn't capable of taking this team any further. They barely escaped relegation so big changes were required. That's why they've brought experienced striker Hinterseer back to Austria, for example - goal-scoring was a big issue last season. In general though, despite the arrival of Anselm (likely to do well after recovering from an unfortunate bad injury) and Butler in midfield, as well as Lawrence and Czyborra in defence, it's generally considered that the club hasn't done enough business in the transfer market. They lost some big names pre-season, and this is a club that was almost relegated despite their presence. Czyborra will replace Schulz so that's not a problem. Key CB Bacher decided to leave though, which was a kick to the nether regions. Kronberger's loan expired, and despite not featuring much in 2025, he was still an important player for them. Prelec, Buksa, and Ogrinec leaving too severly limits how much they can damage teams in the final third, and begs the question as to how the team intends to create chances for Hinterseer. The squad looks thin. They look short of quality, and with a manager in charge, a slow start is expected. They're likely to get roped into the relegation battle unless they can make some big signings before the season starts.


Club aim - 7-9 Realistic aim - 10-12